This is a job we finished in the west end of Darlington, Co Durham. Ewi pro Silicone render used.

This is a job we finished in the west end of Darlington, Co Durham. Ewi pro Silicone render used.
Here are some images and a video of a job we completed in Heighton, near Darlington, Co Durham. The EWI render job in Heighington included 90mm EPS insulation board to 130m2 with the other 100m2 of the house render only.
This is a house we extended and completed rendering in Darlington.
Here are some recent jobs we’ve done in ‘Ewipro render’
Insulated Render on a house in Darlington.
Rendering job in Neasham Village, Darlington. Finished is Ewipro silicone top coat.
The second coating on a back yard walls in Darlington over the weekend. Video is Kieran using the power float and I’m on the diamond float. The key is to get it flat.
Some garden walls finished in ‘Ewipro’ render in Darlington.
The job we have just completed in Darlington. It looks great in this pink colour – so sharp. The preparation included ‘fully meshed’ to stop cracking. (Preparation images below). Preparation Work In Progress Detailed Preparation Prior To Render Outside Render Specialist